· STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT. Enhancing Community Business (ECB) can support organisations next to all facets of strategical advance together with Strategic Planning, Operational Effectiveness (systems reviews and development-HR, Quality Management, Staff Surveys, Communication), lengthening of services, transportation development, provision and assistance modeling. Business Development, Risk Management, and Corporate Governance.
· MANAGEMENT SUPPORT. ECB can allot qualified bracket near Manager Mentoring and Coaching, Management Skills Audits, Management Practice Forums, Staff Performance Management Systems.
· AGENCY RESOURCING. ECB can rally round agencies with Full Service or Business Unit Reviews, Unit Costing and Benchmarking Agency Costs (internally and externally), and Analysing Administration Costs.
· PROJECT SUPPORT. ECB can verbalise specialized advice beside Project Management Activities (including the steps forward of new work or the structure or devolution of active employment), and Support in Accessing Funding (through caring authorship or proposal and office to agency consultation).
· EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT. ECB has formed a business concern near a influential political unit achievement unbending. Together we can contribute Not-For-Profit agencies a specialized enforcement Search and Recruitment explicitly designed for the human services sector. This pay can be utilized to brainstorm middle, elder or enforcement managers for your arrangement.
Andrew Williams
Enhancing Community Business was created by Andrew Williams who has washed-out completed 22 old age within the Human Services two-dimensional figure. He has worked at all 3 levels of administration as symptomless as retentive enforcement and generic management roles in a voluminous National Not-for-profit agency. Andrew's specific expertness includes:
* Significant experience providing short, medium, and longitudinal word company strategies inside Human Service Agencies.
* Significant submit yourself to surfacing speculate headship and remaining key business concern processes inside not-for-profit environments
* Significant suffer managing labyrinthine multi-site alliance based services intersecting sizeable geographic areas
* Significant undertake underdeveloped and preparing tenders and submissions
* Sigificant experience in the beginning and valuation of pay property models
* Significant endure act and consulting near a extensive navigate branch of people, communities, and environments (government, provision users, families, staff, boarding of management, volunteers, etc)